Saturday, September 02, 2006


I have not been motivated to post lately and it occurred to me this morning for the first time why that might be. Maybe instead of feeling bad for not keeping up with my site, maybe I need to put this on hold for awhile so that I can focus on some other things in my life. I did spend a lot of time thinking about posts, posting, and looking at other people's blogs. And while I see some value in this and make no judgements on others for their "blogging habits", I know that there are some areas in my life that really need more attention right now.

Time management is a real issue for me. I watch too much TV and spend too much time doing very little. Being an introvert, it is difficult to reach out to people in my life and foster the kinds of relationships that I know that I not only want, but also really need. Not to mention the fact that I know that I am not called to live in a bubble, but to be God's light in the world.

There is a lot more to this discussion, but I thought I would put these few ideas out there and see what you think. I do feel conflicted about the whole thing because I do see how blogging can help to keep you connected with people and this is obviously one of my goals. This is going to require some prayer and time to think this all through.

How much time to you all spend blogging? Why is it valuable to you?


oshee said...

I have noticed that almost anybody who blogs just for fun, for the outlet it provides, or just 'because' takes a break now and then. This summer there were times I didn't write in over a week. You take breaks when you need to. That is why you have an RSS feed. We will still be here when you return/if you return.

This last weekend I didn't blog. I didn't read blogs. I took time with my family and it was really nice. Today, during fussy nap time, I was grateful to visit some of my favorite places.

You will find the right balance for you. Take a break if you need and don't feel bad about it. Blogging is all about having another means of taking care of yourself. It isn't about having yet one more thing to do.


Good luck in rebalancing things for yourself.

Shalee said...

I think that as soon as blogging becomes a burden, it loses its effect. Since it is an outlet for most people, it should be something that makes you feel better, not worse about yourself. If breaks are needed, take them and don't feel guilty about it a bit.

I blog during work and I have a rule that I won't blog on the weekend or at home. I don't get to see the kids enough as it is, so I don't want to take time away from them. After they go to bed, it's time for Mr. Right and me.

And blogging has a three-fold value for me. I love the creative outlet that it gives me. It allows me to share what is going on with us with friends and family and lastly it really is a great way to seek encouragement in my daily walk with God and a way to make some awesome new friends. That's four, but you know what I mean.

Blessings to you Mary, Sukuma Warrior Princess, aka, daughter of God. God will direct you in the way you should go!

C. H. Green said...

Hi Mary,
Enjoy your posts. I answered this question in this post:

If the link doesn't work, it's in the archives on the left side of the page. I think the key is balance.

Anonymous said...

hi mary!

hmm. i spend a lot LESS time bloggin now than i used to. maybe an hour every day at the most. (that includes anything blog relate - mine or others') i found that the more i grew in relationships online, the less introverted i was OFFLine! have you noticed the same with you?

Anonymous said...

Blogging is a great outlet for one's creativity. When it becomes a job then it is no longer fun. Blog when you feel like it. Don't feel as though you are slothful when you skip some days blogging. Consider it as time spent refuelling for the next post.
I'm new to blogging, actually haven't started one yet. I've added you to my favs list. PT2006

Turtle Guy said...

It's part of my social balance.

I've been touched by the writing of people all over the planet. THAT you cannot do by any other means I'm aware of.

The balance is key though. One must step beyond the front porch to meet and shake hands and be an active member of society.