Thursday, October 05, 2006

How 'bout some shrimp on the barbie, mate?

Today JJ starts his first official shift at Outback Steakhouse. So now he's a full time graduate student, a part-time minister (which means Sunday am, pm and Wednesday pm responsibilities), AND he'll be working 5 shifts a week "down under". How is he going to do this, you ask? GOOD QUESTION. Sometimes, when you need to do it to pay the bills, you just do it.

I feel bad that I'm just here working my safe little 8-5 job, but someone has to do the laundry, the dishes, pay the bills, and make sure that our family functions, at least on a basic level. (I never claimed our house was tidy or that I am the next Betty Crocker, mind you.) I contemplated waiting tables too, until I realized it really wouldn't do for us BOTH to be working ourselves into the ground. Someone has to be there to pick up the pieces later (ha, ha)!

And there's LOTS going on at the church where JJ's been serving and I'm really enjoying getting to be a part of things there. I'll have to fill you in on some of the details later, but for now, I'll just say it involves a new building, lots of kids, and a little clowning around.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

It must be difficult to be working so much these days.

Keep us updated on how you guys are holding up.

Are you still going to "We Wanna Meet?" (email me)