Friday, October 20, 2006

Campaign for REAL Beauty

A friend of mine sent me an e-mail the other day about Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty. They have a video on their website about the "before" and "after" picture of a model and all that went into making that final gorgeous billboard of her look absolutely nothing like the woman she started out to be.

It really helps you to see how unnatural the images are that we are innundated with every day. We scrutinize and frown at that reflection that we see in the mirror every morning because we're comparing ourselves with a standard that is so unrealistic and preposterous.

So how about thinking about your best features today and appreciating the beauty that God made you to be! It's a challenge, especially when our enemy is a great liar - the best - and he tells us whoppers about ourselves every day. Don't let him do that to you! And maybe you can send the link of the Dove video to a friend that may need some encouragement to appreciate her unique beauty.

1 comment:

Shalee said...

I showed this to the girl this morning because I thought it was important that she really understand that when she compares herself to a model, she is comparing herself to someone who really doesn't exist. I could see her wheels turning, so maybe she'll learn early to be proud of the way that God created her.