Thursday, October 26, 2006

Creative Costuming

I had to share this idea I found online today. I found out that a party I'm going to tonight is costume-optional. I hadn't even THOUGHT about costumes this year because I'm going to be a clown for our church's carnival on Halloween so I had to find something quick and easy. I looked online and found a super easy costume idea. I wish I could say I thought of it myself. I am dressing up as "partly cloudy with a chance of rain". How are you going to pull this off, you ask? Why, I'm glad you asked!

I'm going to wear a blue shirt and pin cotton balls randomly on it. Then I will carry a squirt gun around and I may or may not squirt the people around me when they ask what I am!

I think my favorite costume of all time was when I dressed up like Mimi and JJ was Drew Carey. We were supposed to insult each other all night, but (thankfully) neither one of us is very good at insulting the other. It was still a cute idea. And the bright blue eye shadow and neon blue and pink moo moo was very attractive.

Are any of you dressing up this year?


Melissa said...

I'm not, but it's getting harder and harder each year to find something for my daughter. She's five this year, and I don't want her to be either scary or seductive, two of the most popular ways for kids to dress up these days. She's going to be a leopard, because I bought her some leopard-print pajamas that she loves very much. I'm glad it's just going to cost me some eyeliner and brown paper for the ears!

(Found you from The Amazing Shrinking Mom site)

oshee said...

I love the idea. I might have to use that some year when I actually decide to dress up. This year, I just bought an orange shirt with black writing that says, "This is my Halloween costume." Works for me.