Friday, July 21, 2006


One of the many, many reasons why I love my hubby is that we complement each other so well. As I mention in my profile, I am a "rule follower" and he's somewhat of a rebel. Occasionally, I recognize that I need to "let loose" and break a few rules. Maybe throw off my shoes in the middle of the floor with total abandon. (Gasp - can you imagine?) And accordingly, he at times benefits from my more organized nature. However, generally, he resists structure of any kind. Schedules? Doesn't follow them. My nice little "systems" that I dream up to help our lives run more smoothly? Ha! He scofs in the face of "systems"!

This is why I had a nice little chuckle yesterday when he e-mails me and tells me that he has to create a budget for a 2 million dollar a year company that he is working with this week. I'm sure he will do a great job, but if that company only knew what I know . . . But hey, now that I think about it, this might just work out just fine. We've never had any trouble actually writing a budget, just sticking with one. So maybe writing a budget that someone else will have to follow isn't such a tall order for him!!!

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