Sunday, July 16, 2006

Where to start?

Well, it would be impossible to bring you all up to speed on all the goings-on around here so I'll give you the highlights.

JJ is in Vermont (well, actually right this second he's probably in Maine but I will explain that in a minute). He got a job with a company that does small business consulting. It is 100% travel and he left on July 4th for his training in Chicago. His first job was last week for a company in Vermont. He really enjoyed the work, but is exhausted. They work long days and he is getting very little sleep. Thankfully, this weekend, he was able to go see a friend of ours who is an intern this summer in New Hampshire. You know all those New England states are so close together so he drove down to NH yesterday and went to church with his friend today. Then they drove up to Maine to see the ocean and some lighthouses. He'll drive back to VT tonight and probably work on the same job there tomorrow but then they are probably going to send him off on another assignment - only the Lord knows where. Thankfully he will only be doing this until school starts at the end of August. He may even get to come home for a weekend in between now and then, but there are no promises.

Meanwhile, I've been trying to keep myself busy so that I don't throw a pity party (and I am The Queen of pity parties). But so far, so good. I had something going on every night last week (except Wed. when my stomach was feeling a little cruddy.) I caught both plays that ACU put on for the Shakespeare Festival, although the comedy wasn't Shakespeare at all (I still don't really get that.) But it didn't matter because the comedy, The Triumph of Love, was terrific. It was theater in the round and the set was great, the acting was great and it was a wonderful night of free entertainment and the air conditioning was plentiful (a very big factor for me since we still haven't turned ours on.) Saturday was the last showing of Romeo and Juliet and it was done in a more modern way. The set and the creative way it was used was fascinating - probably my favorite part about the production. The acting was also good, but the language less accessible. I'm not one of these super-intellectual types so I really don't get some of the flowery language. Maybe if I sat down with the script in front of me for awhile. Anyway, I still enjoyed it and again, it was a nice distraction.

The new church JJ filled in for a few times before he left is still taking good care of me. I decided to attend there while he's gone because it's a small group of believers where I won't get lost in the shuffle and they are very much a community, which is what JJ and I have been looking for. I will have to tell you more about our night of country dancing with them some other time. . .

Overall, we're doing great. As soon as he gets his first paycheck, even better. (Transitioning jobs really stinks because of that lag between checks!)

I'm learning all kinds of stuff in the Beth Moore study and am enjoying my quiet time with the Lord.

Now I'm off to catch up on all your news! When I took a hiatus from my blog, I have to confess I didn't really check up on you all either. However, I have repented and turned from my evil ways and, for what it's worth, will now be back on the scene.


Jennifer said...

How exciting! I know ALL about hubbies working out of state! Justin and I spent last year living in different places...we would see each other every other weekend (oh, and did I mention I was pregnant for 9 of those 12 months???). God will provide in every way. I'm so glad you're having good quiet times. God was the only reason we were able to survive such long periods apart. He is faithful. Can't wait to hear more of what you're learning. Let me know if you get too down about JJ being gone--I can totally relate. Blessings, Mary!

Mary said...

Thanks, Jenn! It's nice to have someone who can relate!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are back. Even though we talk I still read your blog for more details. Love you lots and lots

Anonymous said...

She's baaaaaaaack! :-) Great to get caught up with you! I found a comment you made on my blog a bit late, but it was such good stuff. I appreciate your insight & love to hear what you have to say!

JJ is really keeping the roads hot! I know you miss your companion, but it's nice to see what God is doing in you during this time.

Looking forward to hearing more from you...

Turtle Guy said...

I've felt less compelled to post, to visit and such simply because of the season. I started blogging in November. It was cold, blogging was a winter thing. Who knows, perhaps I'll be more consistent come the Fall.

Glad to see you took the break you so richly deserved!