Thursday, May 04, 2006

My First "Hair-pulling" Day

I've been at my job for about 2 months now and today was the first time I actually wanted to bang my head against the wall, or maybe the computer screen. Not bad, really, as new jobs go. All will turn out fine, especially since my boss realizes I'm under a pretty unrealistic time crunch and said it won't be a big deal if this project I'm working on doesn't get finished on time. Thank the Lord I have an understanding boss! (I wonder if I weeded out any of those gray hairs that seem to be multiplying on my head?!!!)

So, needless to say, today this girl needs some fun. I found this little movie trivia game online and thought it'd be something different to add. I thought the trivia was pretty easy (I got 9/10 right), but I probably just got lucky!! JJ's the real movie nut in the family. Anyway, if you want to try a quick movie quiz, hop on over there!

I added a few new links to my blogroll (was that all the way last week?) and now I added a few more - Jim Martin and Mike Cope, both ministers and both have some great things to say. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Turtle Guy said...

There's an ajustment period to a new job and sometimes that means -as you've discovered - some time lag before the first "crunch".

Relationships are a bit that way too.