Saturday, June 03, 2006

Good Morning, America!

I found out this week that Good Morning America has been doing stories on LA Weightloss. So Wednesday, when JJ and I went to weigh in, one of the girls came up to us and asked if she could submit our names to possibly appear on the show! They are specifically looking for couples who are doing the program together. Would that not be the coolest? I must not get my hopes up. (But it would be a neat experience, wouldn't it?)

Speaking of weight loss, Melodee at The Amazing Shrinking Mom is hilarious. If you have ever battled with emotional eating, you need to read this entry. Not only is she a very gifted writer, she also has this uncanny ability to tell the TRUTH!

1 comment:

Melodee said...

Mary--that would be so cool if you were picked!

And thanks for the link. I appreciate that.