Friday, June 23, 2006

No Breaks for the Preacher Man

If you've been reading for very long, you've heard me mention the "Little Country Church". It's been a challenge serving there from day one because it never was a really good fit for us. I could go into a lot of detail here, but I think I'll spare you and just say that we will now no longer be going back to that church. We wanted to leave and find a place where we were better suited, but the way this all went down was still painful. We don't quite understand what happened, as the best reasons they could come up with were that JJ said "I think" too much, he spoke too softly, and I had stopped coming with him for the past few weeks. The preachers that had come in the past often did not bring their wives and so we didn't think it was a problem.

So now we're stuck in a double delimma. We need some income and we need a church home. JJ started working in a hotel last week and I really won't go into detail here. Let's just say that this job is less than ideal. We think that we'll have enough "fill in" preaching jobs to get us through the summer, but this is not ultimately what we want. We want a community. I am praying that this is one of those times when I cannot see an easy answer but the Lord is saying, just wait, I've got it solved. Beth Moore said in one of her videos from "A Heart Like His" that sometimes when we pray we feel we need to offer the Lord solutions to our problem - like he needs our help. Well, Lord, I don't have any suggestions and you don't need them anyway.

Please send a prayer up on our behalf today. JJ's situation is a little tricky because he's got to find something he can do while taking a full load of master's level courses in a town where the job market just stinks in general. Frankly, we are just tired. Tired of trying to make ends meet, tired of trying to find a church body where we "fit", tired of transition, tired of not knowing. I know we need a little perspective. All I need to do is go look at my teammate Kevin's blog and see how much people are struggling in Mwanza, Tanzania just to make it through the day. But that doesn't change my reality and that is that we still have a problem that needs solving. And just a few days ago I posted on how God is bigger than anything we face. I know this is true. It's just hard to wait.


oshee said...

You will be in my prayers Mary.

In the meantime I am glad JJ was able to get some sort of employment, even if it is awful work.

Unknown said...

Hi... I'm Mary, too. I clicked on over here from Mel via Club Mom. We both commented on Thursday one after the other.

I just wanted to say that I completely understand your desire for true community and how hard that it is when you don't have it at your church. I do pray that you will find the place that is best for you and for your husband's ministry opportunities.

One word of unasked for advice is to persevere wherever you end up. It may not feel like "home" right away but it will eventually. Maybe God will put you in a place that feels like home right away, but I know from experience that the deeper connections take time. God is faithful, though and designed us to be connected in such a way. Take heart!

Jennifer said...

Praying today that there is a church nearby missing a puzzle piece shaped like you guys and that you and JJ will both be able to serve them with your gifts. Persevere and trust, my friend. (Easier said than done.)

Mary said...

Thank you for the encouragement! We're "filling in" at a church this morning that is much more in line with where we are as a family. I know we will at least be encouraged by the worship today!

C. H. Green said...

You have my prayers. We have been in this situation for months now, as my husband has looked for employment. All I can say is God is faithful, and He will take care of you. Hang in there, girl.

Melodee said...

Mary, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.