Sunday, June 11, 2006

My God is SO BIG!

Last Monday night, I started the Beth Moore study "A Heart Like His" about the life of King David. I only know 2 of the ladies there since it's at a church that I don't usually attend (one girl is a friend that JJ goes to school with and one is my neighbor that I invited to come along), but I'm looking forward to getting to know other ladies in the group.

My favorite lesson this week was the lesson on David and Goliath. One verse jumped out at me. I Samuel 17:45 says, "David said to the Philistine, 'You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.'" You know what I thought when I read this? I thought of the obstacles facing me this week and jotted down this sentence in the margin of my workbook: "Satan, you come against me with a stressful move (we're moving offices tomorrow), 20 men who will need my attention (Doctor of Ministry students who are starting classes this week), a continental breakfast that I'm doing for 3 weeks in a row, and the fear of failure - BUT I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty! Beth puts it this way: "measure the size of your obstacle against the size of your God". Well, when you put it that way, the score is obstacle, itty-bitty microscopic crumb vs. my move-a-mountain, resurrected Lord of all creation. No contest!


Jennifer said...

What a great perspective! I haven't done that study, but I'm in the middle of "Jesus: The One and Only." It's a great one, too. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

What a great reminder and encouragement. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

oh that's good!!

and i say, "Satan, you come against me with family issues, financial misunderstandings, and stress, but I COME against you in the name and power of the Lord Almighty!"

thanks! I needed that!

Mary said...

Isn't it great when we come across just the thing we need to hear? That happened to me last night. I'll have to "share" about that soon.