Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Hold on to Your Hats

This morning at 6:00 am, a miracle occured. When the alarm went off I did not roll over and go back to sleep. I actually got out of bed, put on my shorts and t-shirt and EXERCISED. Not only did I do the LA Weightloss aerobics video in my living room, but I lived to tell about it. AND I found myself smiling while doing it!

Yesterday when we went to weigh in, I had lost .2 lbs since Saturday. That's going in the right direction so I'm ok with that. But I'm realizing, I've never lost more than 2 lbs. a week (while I have lost less). So, if my math skills are still intact, that means that I cannot lose an average of 2 lbs. a week if I never actually lose more than 2 lbs. to even out the times that I don't lose 2 lbs. (I haven't lost all my math skills since teaching algebra 5 years ago!) So basically this means that if I'm going to make my goal by my goal date (which is sometime in late October) that I've got to step it up. So I'm trying the exercise thing. (Never mind the fact that JJ's losing an average of over 3 lbs a week without exercise.)

So while you may not have wanted this detailed account, there it is. I will try not to obsess and post about this every day. As my dad says, "Honest Italian".


Shalee said...

Go Mary! You can do it. I know you're watching what you eat; the exercise will do nothing but help!

Just so you know, I just infected you with the Indie Virus. Go to my place to see what it's all about.

oshee said...

Don't worry to much and don't compare yourself to a man losing weight too closely. They naturally lose weight quicker. Those men biologically get to carry more lean muscle which helps tremendously. You might find things pick up for you if you start using hand weights during the workout.

To listen to me you might think me fit and trim...I say nay..but have dreams of it. lol