Friday, March 17, 2006

Where I Am on the Anal Scale

I just started a new job. I am an Administrative Assistant for a professor in an office that has been without a full time Administrative Assistant for quite awhile. So things are a little jumbled and confused around here and it apparently is my job to untangle the semi-chaotic mass of papers, files and miscellaneous stuff that is strewn about. And as I’m familiarizing myself with what kind of mess I’ve gotten into, I’ve discovered an enigma.

OK, picture yourself with a file in your hands. You’re opening it up in the “traditional way”, tab on the right-hand side. You expect to see the papers on the right-hand side and right side up, yes? No. At first I thought this was an isolated incident of someone being in a hurry, but as the week goes on, I’m recognizing a pattern here. Almost without exception, in every file in the office, the papers are upside-down.

At first, I was a little annoyed because every time I opened a file, I had to turn the papers around. It’s like walking into your house and suddenly realizing all the doorknobs are on the opposite side of the door. It throws you off a little!

But then I tried to reason with myself. Now, Mary, your way is not the only way. I’m sure this made sense to whoever did it at the time. So I think, maybe I need to adjust. You know, give it up and let it go. Maybe I could open up the files so the tab is on the left. Oh yes, this is probably what my predecessor was doing. Quirky, but OK, I can go along with it.

Until . . . I come across some student files with pictures taped inside. The papers are still, according to the “traditional method” upside-down, but the pictures are right-side-up. Now I really don’t get it. So when my Hubby comes in to have lunch with me, I show him the student files. He thinks I’m nuts. Certifiable. So it really gets me thinking about how anal I really am. I had no idea. (I’m not the most self-aware chick there ever was.) So where am I on the “Anal Scale?” I ask myself. Honestly, if I can write this much about the proper orientation of paper in a file folder, I must be at least a 7.

I used to think I was a somewhat laid-back kind of girl. Wow. Talk about an awakening. Or maybe this is just an isolated eccentricity. (I’m trying to comfort myself, work with me here.)


Kevin said...

so how does JJ rank? not so high, I guess.

what if the person before you was left-handed? Perhaps they could read upside down. Or perhaps they were fired. and had a couple hrs to sabotage the file room.

have fun flipping files!


Mary said...

My first thought was that JJ's about a 3 on the anal scale, but then I think you have to factor in his food preferences. If you include that, he's at least a 5!

I hadn't thought about the left-handed thing. This is a possibility.

Anonymous said...

Considering your heritage - Cage on one side and Letchworth on the other - sweet girl you did not have a chance!