Wednesday, March 22, 2006

You Go Girl!

OK, if you don't like American Idol, hang in there because this isn't really about American Idol. But I am going to use it as an illustration if you can tolerate it for a millisecond.

Mandisa is one of my favorite contestants this year - this girl can SING! One of the comments that Simon made last night just confirmed my vote of support for her. I have to tell you that she, like me, is a big girl, but this is what Simon said. "Mandisa, you are blossoming. That was a very sexy performance." (Then he made some comment about a stripper song that I'm choosing to ignore right now.) But ANYWAY, I just think that's such a great message to all those young girls watching - you can be big and beautiful and sexy and successful all at the same time! There are so many demeaning and destructive messages out there about body image and the importance of appearances that I just had to pass on this great comment of Simon's and also say, Mandisa - YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!

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