Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My Social Fix

Since moving here in December, we have not had nearly the "hang out with friends time" that we have gotten in the past. Pretty much everywhere we've moved we've had people to play cards with, watch movies with or just talk, talk, talk. It's been a bit harder here because we have not been "plugged in" to a church family. But this past weekend was just so great - it really "hit the spot" for JJ and I.

Friday night we went swimming in our complex's pool. We waited until the sun went down and just floated in the water, looking at the stars. It was really relaxing and nice to get off the couch for a change!

Saturday, we met some friends at a coffee house nearby because one of the guys is going up to NH for an internship this summer and it was our chance to say goodbye. This was the highlight of the weekend. Some of the folks who were there I'd spent some time with and some were fairly new to me, but it was a great mix of people. We talked about some "graduate school" kind of stuff (which I can usually follow for awhile anyway) but then some goofy stuff too. We actually had a little mini sing along of some favorite Muppet's tunes like "Rainbow Connection" and "You Can't Live With 'Em". (Rolf the Dog sings this one in one of the movies. I can't remember which one.) It was so nice to find some people who are just as cheesy as I am. Very rarely as an adult do you find people you can really be silly with! Then we went over to one of the girls' houses to talk some more! I actually stayed awake until 11:30. That's big. (It may have something to do with the nap I got in on Saturday afternoon!)

Then Sunday, while I sent JJ off to the Little Country Church, I went to church with a friend of mine here in town. JJ MADE me go because I needed a break from LCC - I still felt guilty that he had to go without me. But it was one of the Sundays when they don't do Sun. night service so he got to come home early. Anyway, I had a GREAT time in class. They have a women's class that involves a lot of sharing, etc. You know the kind. Oh, man, have I missed that. If you have that wherever you are, hold on to that and be thankful!!! I wish I could go there every Sunday. Then, I went to the new Chili's in town with some friends after church. Then JJ and I went swimming again that night. An all around great day.

Memorial Day I worked (I chose to take the holiday early so I could visit my family). But, some friends invited us to a barbeque at their house last night and we had a great time there, too! They have a pool in their backyard and we had a lot of fun playing with the kids and just watching them have a good time. So even though I had to work, it still felt like a holiday. This was one of those weekends that I could repeat again and again and not get tired of it. It was a real blessing. It reminded me that it's worth the extra effort to reach out to people and find a place to belong. It's harder, but life is so much richer. I know that this is at least a glimpse of the kind of community that the Lord intended.


Turtle Guy said...

Social time, I believe, is all part of a healthy balanced life. Some people seem to be able to operate in seclusion, but not me. I get all weirded out without people around.

Extroverted, I think they call it!

Good on you for taking the time to take it all in!

oshee said...

It sounds like you had a great weekend. It is good to reinvigorate yourself that way.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful! I am so glad you had such a good week end. Hopefully soon things will fall into place where you can worship with a church where you have the training, love and support we all need.